Miami Babe16:  hi

 SheWolfieXIII:  Hi again. Your not going to ask me to teach you to roleplay are you?

 Miami Babe16:  yes


 SheWolfieXIII:  Why? I told you I cant teach you.

 Miami Babe16:  ok caN u play with me

 SheWolfieXIII:  Play what?

 Miami Babe16:  what are some plays 

 SheWolfieXIII:  What do you mean?

 Miami Babe16:  what do u like to play

 SheWolfieXIII:  Planescape, Cyberpunk.

 Miami Babe16:  what are they

 Miami Babe16:  hello


 SheWolfieXIII:  Cyberpunk is futuristic, and Planescape is fantasy.

 Miami Babe16:  ok i guess


 SheWolfieXIII:  What do you play?

 Miami Babe16:  what are some plays

 SheWolfieXIII:  I told you what I play, I am asking you what do you like to play.

 Miami Babe16:  my teacher making me eat her out

 SheWolfieXIII:  That's not roleplaying.

 Miami Babe16:  why not


 Miami Babe16:  i will try one of your will u help me while u teach me

 SheWolfieXIII:  I told you before I cant teach you to roleplay online, I dont have the experience and you dont have any dice or rule books.




SheWolfieXIII:  Not talking?

 Miami Babe16:  what

 SheWolfieXIII:  Did you look at the urls?

 Miami Babe16:  yea

 SheWolfieXIII:  And what did you think, that is what roleplaying is all about.

 Miami Babe16:  ok


I have talked her like maybe 3 times before but have only started to save the AIM session, only have just realised what an AIMhole she really is, not to mention, it is the same thing over and over, she even said the same thing more that once to Shanzi on a couple of occasions.