Miami Babe16: hi 
Shanzi: Hi 
Miami Babe16: hi asl 
Shanzi: What does it matter?? 
Miami Babe16: can i ask u something 
Shanzi: yeah what? 
Miami Babe16: what we girl get from roleplay 
Miami Babe16: any pics 
Shanzi: Enjoyment? i dont have a scanner. 
Miami Babe16: oh 
Miami Babe16: what rolepaly do u lke 
Shanzi: Fantasy, scifi 
Miami Babe16: what that 
Miami Babe16: like name some things 
Shanzi: You dont know what fantasy and scifi is? 
Miami Babe16: yea but like what 
Miami Babe16: pricncess and king 
Shanzi: Planescape, Cyberpunk stuff like that. 
Miami Babe16: oh 
Miami Babe16: can u teach me 
Miami Babe16: how to roleplay 
Shanzi: What systems do you know? 
Miami Babe16: so 
Miami Babe16: i dont know any 
Shanzi: You dont know D&D either? 
Miami Babe16: d&d 
Miami Babe16: what that 
Shanzi: You never heard of Dungeons and Dragons?? 
Miami Babe16: no 
Shanzi: go to 
Miami Babe16: ok 
Miami Babe16: will u teach me 
Shanzi: Do you have any dice? 
Miami Babe16: no 
Shanzi: Well you need dice to roleplay. 
Miami Babe16: i dont have any 
Shanzi: Sorry. The dice are used for attacks and saving rolls. 
Miami Babe16: ok 
Miami Babe16: what fantasy roleplay like 
Shanzi: Depends on the setting that GM had written. 
Miami Babe16: what gm 
Shanzi: Games Master 
Miami Babe16: how is that 
Miami Babe16: who is that 
Miami Babe16: hello 
Shanzi: He/She is the one that runs the game. 
Miami Babe16: ok 
Miami Babe16: so will u teach me how to roleplay 
Shanzi: It takes at least two weeks to write up an adventure, and you need dice.

My Goddess there are some really thick minded people out there. LOL!